
Method Creators
Help your teachers and students succeed. Create an interactive practice experience specific to your method and provide seamless access to all your materials. Sell more materials with us.
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Work with us to conduct studies in music and learning. Run trials on our advanced data analytics platform to obtain unique insights.
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Open Source Music
We love open source and would love to share and promote you to harness the talents of the great educators and aspiring students within our music community.
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Music Teachers
Become an Ambassador and a buddy. Opportunity to meet and help out fellow teachers in your area and receive extra benefits.
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App Makers
Integrate with us to provide a smooth user experience between our apps and explore new ways to build more powerful features based on our integration.
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Partner with us to expand music education in not only providing more access but better results with your charity programs.
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Teacher Organizations
Give your teachers an edge and help modernize their studios. We can help you turn Better Practice into exam preparation tool to increase students success and grow participation.
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Increase your visitor counts and reduce your effort in writing blog posts through content sharing. Make extra income through our affiliate program.
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